Project Location:
The project is located in Wilayat Bidiyah in North Sharqiyyah Governorate which is about 230 km from the Muscat, the Capital of Oman.
The main component of the project:
The proposed scheme consists of five water distribution zones in Wilayat Bidiyah, namely: Shariq, Al Mintarib, Tawi Nassir Muhammad, Al Wasil and Adh Dhahir. In the present scenario the Shariq Ground Reservoir gets water from Al Kamil Pumping Station and supplies the existing Tanker filling stations through Shariq Pumping Station. The proposed scheme aims at providing piped water to all the distribution zones with provision of local additional storage facilities as required. Each distribution zone will have reticulated systems being supplied from an overhead tank.
The works of each distribution zone are described with their components as follow:
The Shariq Zone
- An expanded storage tank at Shariq reservoir compound, an additional 14,000m3 for Phase I up to 2025.
- A new pump station, pumps and electromechanical works adjacent to the existing Shariq PS to increase the capacity of Shariq to Adh Dhahir.
- A new transmission pipeline ND 300 DI from Shariq PS to Adh Dhahi reservoir, a length of 16.2km.
- A new Boundary Valve downstream of Al Mintarib North separating Shariq from Tawi Nassir Muhammad.
- A crossing of the falaj by 180 HDPE to supply the localities of Hatuh South and Al Mintarib West. Areas to the south of the existing Falaj.
- Distribution network from Shariq Water Tower (Approx. 84,630m) consists of Ductile Iron (K9) and High Density Polyethylene (PE 100), SDR 11 pipes with 16 bar fittings.
The Al Mintarib Zone
- An additional Water Tower of 600m3 at the same elevation adjacent to the existing compound of the existing Al Mintarib Water Tower with pipe connections to the exiting Water Tower to enable the two to act as a single storage.
- •Distribution network from Al Mintarib water tower to feed to areas south and west (Approx. 146,660m) consists of Ductile Iron (K9) and High Density Polyethylene (PE 100), SDR 11 pipes with 16 bar fittings.
The Tawi Nasir Muhammad Zone
- A new connection (DN 200 DI) from the tapping of the Al Kamil transmission main to Rumayl PS.
- A boundary valve disconnecting the direct feed to Rumayl PS off the tapping from the Al Kamil Main.
- A new WaterToweratTawiNassirMuhammad,(UTMcoordinates,692807E,2484828N) of capacity 600m3 and Bottom Water Level of 321.73mSL).
- A new outflow pipe from Tawi Nassir Muhammad WT to feed Rumayl PS.
- Distribution network to feed the localities of Tawi Nassir Muhammad, Shuf Al Ayn, Riq Amur Bin Ali and Al Wayriyah (Approx. 35,060m) consists of Ductile Iron (K9) and High Density Polyethylene (PE 100), SDR 11 pipes with 16 bar fittings.
The Al Wasil Zone
- Distribution network to supply two distinct areas to the north and south of Route 21 (Approx. 54,610m) consists of Ductile Iron (K9) and High Density Polyethylene (PE 100), SDR 11 pipes with 16 bar fittings.
The Adh Dhahir Zone
- An additional ground level reservoir at Adh Dhahir of 2000m3 with appropriate pipe connection to the existing transmission main.
- ConnectionofnewtransmissionpipelineND300DIfromShariqtotheexisting reservoir at Adh Dhahir. m3
- Disconnection of the existing ND150 DI main from Shariq from to the existing Adh Dhahir Reservoir.
- A new transmission pipeline, ND 300 DI from Adh Dhahir PS to Raki Elevated Tower, 27km long.
- New pumps and electromechanical works at the existing Adh Dhahir PS to increase the capacity of Adh Dhahir to Raki.
- Distribution system from Adh Dhahir reservoir to Adh Dhahir area and Dibik area (Approx. 28,040m) consists of Ductile Iron (K9) and High Density Polyethylene (PE 100), SDR 11 pipes with 16 bar fittings.
Based on the TOR, a brief list of the engineering works initially envisaged includes:
- Data Collection
- Survey works
- Soil Investigation Works
- Design Review
- Design modification options (if any).
- Providing preliminary details of the proposed changes to the existing designed package as a result of the newly created planned areas within the project area with cost estimates.
- Any additional small distribution networks within the existing designed distributions included in the existing draft tender.
- Advantages and disadvantages of options proposed (if any).
- Detailed updated cost estimates of the updated package.
- Recommendations and summary in English.
- Carry out a workshop/presentation on the Draft Design Review to the PAEW stakeholders.
- Provide training of PAEW staff involved in the project during all Contract stages.
- Tender Documents
- Supervision of the Construction Works